At breakfast table this morning, I told Benji that tomorrow, I would have to go back to work. After I said that, he responded, "Mo" (more). More, I asked him? More what? And he said, "Daa-dee" (daddy). More daddy? More of daddy?
I'm not sure if it's coincidence or he understood the concept of me being gone (I want to think it's the latter), but it sure is true for me. After these two weeks, I want more of my wife and my kids. These past two weeks have been more of a blessing to me than to them, in my humble opinion. I believe we've just become a closer-knit family than ever before. I think Benji just thrives with both parents around at all times. Benji and I does have a great relationship going already, and these two weeks just made us that much closer. I have thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with him (and of all three, I spent most of my time with him just because of the newborn arrangements). Cuddling in his small bed and slept in a bit in the mornings, running errands together, doing chores at home together.....
I love spending time holding Zachary and just looking at his features and his expressions. I love touching all the small-ness of him.
For Laurel and I, these two weeks have just been magical for both of us. I don't know what is it about newborns, but we remember vividly the same emotions we have now as when we had Benji. We remembered the night before I was scheduled to be back at work, we both just embraced and cried for awhile and prayed together. The Lord has really drawn us both closer together through the birth of our children.
I think it should be me saying, "Mo...". "Mo... wife-y, mo.... Benji and mo.... Zachary..." I'm still trying to come up with the brilliant idea of being home full time and still earn an income. I think it's justified that full-time moms and dads should get paid like any other full-time occupations. Anyone out there wants to employ me to be a full-time dad to my kids? Anyone?