Sunday, October 08, 2006

Baby update

After much verbal repetition of different names and much discussion, we have decided to name him Zachary. It's just not easy giving names with the last name we have. Zachary is a variant of the name "Zechariah". Zachary is Hebrew for "God remembers", or "renowned by God". We'll keep the chinese name under wraps here for reason of internet anonimity. You can ask us personally of course. Who knows what crazy things people can do nowadays just by knowing your name!

Here are a couple more shots of Zachary.
Photos looked a little dark. Not sure why. Maybe it's a good excuse to get me another digital camera! :) Honey, it's for the kids....

At this moment, he is asleep in my arms blogging with me in his dreams I'm sure. Mommy needs a much deserved break before the long night ahead.

How has life for him been the past three days? We think he's coping and adjusting well. Definitely wants a warm body close to him for comfort and security. He's developed some red spots on his body which we're trying to figure out if it's heat rash or reaction to the laundry detergent. He's doing much better now. He has had his fair share of meconium poops and we had the pleasure of getting a visible confirmation of urination. It traveled a good 12 inches across the room onto mommy's dress and the bed. It's funny how parents cheer for the seemingly weirdest things in life! Hey, if these things are vital indications of working bodily functions, we'll cheer anytime! Zachary came out with a bit of a blueish face, but that's gone now. He seemed to love the sling, which Laurel is thrilled about. His makes faces constantly when he sleeps, which is fun to watch.

Laurel has continued to show signs of speedy recovery. She has been up and about pretty comfortably since Saturday. We're making sure she stays low key to expedite the recovery to full strength and health. I would definitely covet your prayers in this regard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the name Zachary!!! Love these sleepy newborn pics, mama's milk must be good stuff! :)