Monday, March 26, 2007

That darn doorbell

There are about 5-10 minutes before Benji completely nods off to sleep where he is still sensitive to sound but oh-so-close to sleep land. These are 5-10 minutes where I try not to make too many loud noises around the house. Therefore, when the doorbell rang during this magical window, you can imagine that I was a little annoyed. Just as expected, Benji immediately jumped out of bed and ran down the hallway to tell me, "Ding-dong, too loud." Benji then proceeded to get out of bed several more times since he was now fully awake. He is not the most gentle door-opener or door-closer, so all this door opening and door closing woke up Zachary. It took me more than 45 minutes to put both of them back to sleep. Trust me, it doesn't matter what the door salesman was selling or what church the evangelist was representing, ringing my doorbell at 1:30 p.m. in the middle of naptime will not endear me to your product/religion.

I am thinking of disconnecting the doorbell so everybody has to knock.


Anonymous said...


That is a shame that he woke up, but I have to say it is still cute "Ding dong,too loud" I cracked up when I read it.


Anonymous said...

Oh Laurel - the shear anger/frustration that runs through our bones when such things happen. :) I have dogs that bark incessently every day when the mailman brings the mail. UGH!! The doorbell though, my mom taught me to NEVER ring it because a baby could be sleeping. To this day, I can't ring doorbells!

SummerSky said...

Hi Laurel,

Make a sign for the door so you you don't have to dismantle the doorbell!
