Monday, July 09, 2007


I am doing Beth Moore's Bible study called, "Believing God," which is excellent in case anyone else would like to know of a good study. Part of the study is something called "GodStops" where we're supposed to record times in our day when we can see God at work - whether it be big or small - and thank God for those times that He's working on our behalf.

I just finished recording a "GodStop" in my notebook and wanted to share how God is faithful, both in the small things and in the big things. (Some might consider this small, but others of you, probably parents, realize that it's actually pretty big!)

The last week has been intense (read: not good) with Benji-boy. I won't go into the gory details because it might cause the faint-of-heart who are currently childless to remain that way! It is nothing short of a miracle how smooth, fun, and void-of-meltdown this morning has been. We stayed at home the whole morning - painting, making and drinking smoothies, "golfing" with spatulas in the kitchen, cooking stir-fired spinach and Maw Paw tofu for dinner, and blowing bubbles in the back yard. The two boys and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and each other - definitely reason to thank God!

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