Friday, March 07, 2008

Trip to California

We spent 8 days in California, starting off in Santa Barbara and driving up to Berkeley. It was the first time either boy had been on an airplane, and it was actually better than we had been expecting. It was a fun trip: the boys got to see the ocean for the first time, we got to visit good friends and relatives, and it was a general fun time as a family.

We realized that it's good to vacation with kids because it makes you take things slow enough to enjoy. Both Shearn Yoong and I would tend towards being too busy during vacations so we don't miss anything - and then we would come home and need another vacation.

Wow folks. So this is what sand is. We don't have this strange stuff back home in Arkansas - but it sure does look fun!

Bike for four (with seats for the two kids in front) in Santa Barbara

Benji in foggy Santa Barbara

Brave Benji enjoyed his first ferris wheel ride at the Santa Monica pier
(Mommy stayed on the ground)

Strolling in Solvang

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