Wednesday, July 09, 2008

That kind of week

Monday morning Benji broke a glass butter dish in the kitchen. Though I tried to clean up the best I could, Benji got a pretty bad cut on his knee from a piece of glass that I missed.

Tuesday afternoon I spilled 1/4 cup of coffee (though the cup did not break). Who knew that 1/4 cup of coffee could make so many different things dirty? Well, spilling it in front of the open refrigerator didn't help.

Wednesday morning (today) I dropped a 1/2 gallon glass jar mostly full of juice on the kitchen floor, and of course it broke into a billion pieces.

Both the morning glass breakages occurred before breakfast, therefore before any coffee was consumed. All in all, I'm ready for this week to be over.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that. Yea.. I know how you feel. My little grabber grabs to everything! So, spilling happens almost everyday. I change my cups to plastic. But still floor and counter top are wet especially in the morning when you just got up and still craving for more zzzz....

bekah said...

Happy eating out tonight!

Laurel said...

We ended up eating at home because our afternoon went well and I was able to throw something together for dinner - can't remember right now - but it was food so I guess everybody was contented. I am in a "saving money" mode this month because the last few months have been in the red over here - just lots of little things adding up. ugh.