Thursday, June 03, 2010

How can BP executives be so nonchalant in their response to the oil spill?

Looking at these pictures just breaks my heart.

By the way, stop calling it an oil leak. This is NO leak. It's a spill, a gush. Call it for what it is.

1 comment:

Yein said...

Check this out.

Will this work large scale? Won't know until it's tried. It can't hurt.

I'm sure you've also heard about the 21 prodigy whose solution to seal the leak got the interest of BP.

This is really encouraging to see the people coming up with solutions to problems the country faces. The people have the power to take care of situations if the government will just leave them alone.

Yes these folks are looking for jobs and profit.. but that's what capitalism will do. It'll force people to be innovative.

Yes. I too wish it hadn't happen.. but it did.. so what can we do to help?