Thursday, May 10, 2007

The important things in life

One of Zachary's most favorite ways to go to sleep is in the sling. He just went down for his third nap of the day in the tan Over-the-shoulder sling. Sometimes I rush this process, trying to sway and bounce him to sleep as quickly as possible so I can go on with more “important” things – like cooking, throwing in a load of laundry, eating dinner without bouncing a baby on my lap, or the vital checking of email. But today I made the right choice – I enjoyed the process. I buried my nose into his lovely hair, drinking in his sweet baby smell, swaying to the music playing on the CD player. I held him longer than normal – not because I had to but because I wanted to. He will grow up so quickly (as evidenced by his brother) – I want to treasure every single moment of his baby days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I always love it when they fall asleep in my arms. I always end up holding them way longer than I intended. I miss having that but my time is coming again soon :)
