Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Congratulations and Argh - all in 5 minutes

I was disciplining Benji in his room today while Zachary, completely on his own, went to the bathroom, took off his pants and his diaper, scooted the stool to the toilet to sit down without the potty seat (because he is a big boy now and he just can't stand that baby potty seat anymore) and proceeded to poop in the potty all by himself. Pretty impressive for someone who just turned two a few weeks ago! I quickly went to another room to do some *small* thing after offering him much praise. Well, in that *short* time he managed to get off the toilet, somehow smearing poop on the stool (but there was none on his foot so I really don't know how that happened) and putting the ENTIRE roll of new toilet paper into the toilet. And that's the 2nd time he did the whole toilet roll in the toilet trick - the first time was a few days ago. Congratulations and Argh - all in 5 minutes.

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