Monday, August 29, 2005

First ever blog!

Hi there!

Well, we have finally decided to take a shot at this growing phenomenon called "blogging". Before we explain the reasons for starting a blog, let us take a moment to welcome you to our blog. If this blogging thing turns out to be what we hope and expect, it would be for months, years to come a place for us to share and cherish thoughts, memories, conversations, and more...

Why blog? We have primarily three reasons, but the first reason really applies more to me:
1. I recently received an email from a long-time friend asking where I’ve been. He gently rebuked me (and rightly so) for always waiting for others to take initiative to write first. If you know me, you’ll know that I’m really bad about writing emails. My thought is that with a blog, I can publish a blog or two from time to time and that would at least offer some ways for friends and family to know what’s up over this part of the world.
2. Emails can do only so much (i.e., plain text). But pictures can paint a thousand words; a link to a site of interest can disseminate information quickly; thoughts and topics can be discussed. Blogging can do these, and do it better.
3. Make Jesus known to others. Blogging is such a big thing nowadays that you can have blogs of all kinds. With the advance in technology and everyone is basically connected via the Internet, we believe we can play a small part in God's larger plan by living out our Christian faith to the Internet community, and what a large community that is! Just imagine the potential.

So that's our story. We hope that we will not be the only ones contributing to this blog, but all of you. If you're the first few invited members and you are reading this, you'd notice that the site is not completely set up yet. Please bear with us.

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