Monday, October 15, 2007

Brotherly love

Zachary was awake from 5 until 6:45 a.m. for some unknown reason (not for lack of Mommy trying to nurse him back to sleep). So once he eventually succumbed to sleep, he slept in until 8:15 a.m. - quite late for our family.

Benji woke up at 6 but stayed in his bed until 7 because his mean parents have made this a rule. Benji and I had some nice time together this morning - you know, reading a whole book without the Godzilla baby coming to try to eat the pages, stuff like that. But after 45 minutes or so, Benji starting missing his little sidekick and said, "I miss my brother."

There are time I wonder if the 25 months spacing between the boys was a little too close, but comments like that make this Mommy happy. I hope they always stay close and full of brotherly love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Benji is so sweet. I hope Nathan will be sweet to his brother/sister in the future too!