Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cold weather gripes

I myself prefer cold weather over the heat of Arkansas summers. However, my kids don't seem to take after me in this regard. It has only been colder for two days and I am already REALLY tired of the griping related to the following wintertime activities:

#1 - wearing a jacket
#2 - wearing a hat
#3 - putting chapstick on chapped lips
#4 - blowing noses
#5 - putting lotion on chapped cheeks

Of course, most of the griping comes from Benji but that is only because Zachary is too young to know the fine art of whining yet - thank God for this so that the sanity of the mother can be preserved. Part of me really doesn't care enough to deal with the inevitable whine that follows every minor request, "If they want to be freezing cold, then let them!" However, if I don't require them to follow #1 and #2, it is more likely that I will have to deal with #3, #4, and #5. It's a loose-loose situation - unless we move to the Bahamas. I'll have to bring this up to Shearn Yoong tonight.

But for now, I am wondering if any of you have any suggestions/hints/tricks/bribes that help your young ones deal with the previous gripes. And don't suggest logic or reason because that DEFINITELY has no effect on them.

1 comment:

~cjoy said...

My personal pet peeve is the peeling, dry awful feeling on my fingertips. Folding clothes and snagging that skin on stuff is so icky to me!

As for suggestions...well, you may not like this one, but a few years ago sunscreen was a very big issue to my son (in summer, obviously)--I simply told him he could not go outside unless he used it. It was his choice. We stayed in a lot more that summer, but I hated the heat anyway and it suited me fine. If you have to go out, coats and hats it will be. If it's to play...perhaps playing inside would be preferable to them? And, I am a firm believer in bribery when necessary. Logic does indeed escape them. ;)