Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Homemade bread

For the last few months (thanks to the mixer Shearn Yoong bought me for my birthday in April), I have been making all our bread. I am too lazy to figure out if it's cheaper (though I assume it is), but I know that it definitely tastes better. Which is the problem. I might need to STOP making it from scratch because I'm justing eating too much of it! My favorite way to eat it is with lots of butter and honey on top - yummy! Here's the simple recipe I use. I'm sure there are lots of other good ones but this one works for me. However, beware that you might become addicted and then gain 5 lbs.


* 7 C. whole wheat flour
* 2/3 C gluten
* 2 1/2 T. Yeast
* 5 C hot water
* 2 Tbls salt
* 2/3 C. oil
* 2/3 C honey
* 2 1/2 T. bottled lemon juice
* 4 C. more wheat flour


Mix together the whole wheat flour, gluten flour, yeast and hot water. Hint: the hot water in this recipe will not kill your yeast
Mix for 1-2 min. Cover and let stand for 10 min.
Add salt, oil, honey, and bottled lemon juice.
Mix 1 min.
Then add 4 c more flour
Knead for 10 min
Let rise for 1 hour
Divide into 3 or 4 loaf pans
Bake at 350 for approx. 45 min.

1 comment:

~cjoy said...

Maybe I'll motivate myself to do this the lazy way...cut it down to a quarter and try it in my bread maker that I pull out once in a while. I LOVE good bread with butter and honey. Oh man, that's yummy...