Thursday, September 11, 2008

Bicker, bicker, bicker

Lately all my kids seem to be doing is bicker, bicker, bicker. And the crazy thing is that Zachary hardly uses his words, but they can still annoy each other all day long. I'm seriously worried about when he actually starts doing more talking - then I can only imagine the escalation. :(

Can you tell it's been a rough day so far???

Any advice on bickering children? Except banish them to different rooms. Or perhaps hire a full-time baby-sitter every day?


~cjoy said...

Yeah, I'm thinking that the full-time every-day babysitter sounds like a good plan. At least on the bad days. :)

I SO will not tell you what it looks like when they are a few years older. Really. Enjoy this while it lasts....

Unknown said...

hahah.. that's kinda what siblings do right? I remember when I was young, my sisters and I do that a lot and fights too!! As times go, we start to appreciate each other more but definitely not until much later. It reminds us of good memories too even though it's not a good behavior! Hang in there :)

Anonymous said...

I have the same experience as Ruth. My mom was in headached and tired of her children bicker. But right now, I do treassure my sisters more and more everytime when I think of how rude I used to treat them. This is called sisterhood~:)