Thursday, November 20, 2008

A first that I wasn't ready for

Yesterday was the last warm day for awhile, so after nap we headed to the local park. Benji needed to go to the bathroom soon after arriving, so we headed toward the less-than-pristine-clean bathrooms. I began heading into the women's side, but out of nowhere Benji said he wanted to go to the men's bathroom alone. I hadn't thought he'd want to do this for a long time to come so I didn't have a decent reason why he couldn't. So I sent my son into the dark and vaguely scary men's bathroom at the park. He re-emerged a few seconds later (I guess urinals are quick - ?). Some "firsts" are celebrated, but I was not quite ready for this one. I guess I've heard too many scary men's bathroom stories. From now on, I'm still going to require him to come with me. Maybe in another year? It's hard to know until we reach that time.

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