Saturday, May 31, 2008

Interesting - Nature's signs for predicting earthquakes

It's pretty much a given that by now everyone knew about the massive earthquake in China. What is little known about it was some of the interesting phenomenon that happen prior to the quake. I ran across this a few nights ago and found it very interesting. I've read about earthquake clouds before, but not earthquake lights. Evidence are so scarce that this phenomenon is not yet considered a scientific fact. The quake lights related to the Sechuan disaster was the first time such lights were well documented. You can only imagine if it was a known scientific fact, we probably could have a much less disastrous outcome.

Earthquake lights: Video 1 Video 2 Wiki

Here's some info about earthquake clouds if you're interested. The scientist that champions this theory set up his own site. I read somewhere that of all the predictions he made, he has a 70+% accuracy, his most famous being the earthquake in Bam, Iran, last year.

Earthquake clouds: Info Scientist's site

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