Friday, October 17, 2008

Clothing woes

Basically I feel like complaining so that is what this post will be about.

It is getting colder here in NWA so I went through my long pants. What a depressing event. I knew I had put on a few pounds, but I didn't think it would be that bad. It is. Unless I am looking for the skin-tight look with fat hanging over the waistline. I am not looking forward to 1) wearing the same 2-3 pairs of pants all winter long or 2) spending more money on clothes. We'll see how long I can last with the same boring choices until I do number 2.

I went through Benji and Zac's clothes this past weekend. I have no idea how I bought literally twice as many pants than shirts for Benji for this winter. This means he can get grass stains in the knees but better not have too many spaghetti stains up top.

Zac's short and seems to have a small waist, so even though I have tons of 2T pants, most don't fit him.

The only one of us without a true clothing issue is Shearn Yoong. He's lost some weight from riding more lately. Technically, he has a clothing woe because some of his pants no longer fit. But I think if clothes are too big that does not count as a woe.


~cjoy said...

Ah, yes...the clothing issues that arise with the major season changes. Sigh...
Tonight, I noticed a specific pair of Miss C's pj's were noticably shorter and tighter all of a sudden. I felt a bit shocked since she's barely changed sizes in well over a year! (The rest of us have varying issues as well, of course.)

And thank you -- I finally figured out what NWA stands for. I never really gave it enough thought when I saw it on luggage tags for the airport. :)

SummerSky said...

I have many college days jeans in my closet that don't fit around the waist and butt anymore but I'm keeping them all because my hope one day is to fit in them again. I know I'm not at my ideal body weight, has to do with this crazy resident lifestyle that I can't wait to get out of in ~2 years!

Laurel said...

summersky - I'm keeping hold of my "skinny jeans" too but I have decided to move them somewhere far away because I accidentally put a pair on yesterday and it was depressing all over again.

cjoy - normally the airline tags will say XNA for our airport code though I have no idea what the X stands for. I guess there already was an NWA code in circulation - ?

Shearn said...

My guess is that they don't want to confuse the airport from the airlines, Northwest Airlines.