Sunday, June 18, 2006

Weaning is at hand

This is Benji last October - when nursing was on the top of his most favorite activities list. I didn't think he'd ever slow down - but lo and behold, it is happening! He took a nine day hiatus recently. Since I am already 25 weeks pregnant, I am very happy with Benji's timing. I enjoyed nursing immensely (as did he!), but I am now enjoying not nursing immensely. Just like Ecclesiastes says, there is a time for everything - and now is not the time for nursing a toddler when I'm trying to grow a little baby inside of me.

Other recent changes:

* Recently Benji does not cry much or at all when I leave him with his grandmother Nona or his godmother Jill (people he is very familiar with). He just waves bye and is already busy playing with them. This is a big change - from 8 months until now, normally he cried whenever I left him with another person.

* Another biggie is that Daddy can put Benji to sleep by himself when Mommy is home (in another room). For non-parents, this might not seem like much. But let me assure you, this is nothing short of a miracle. If you told me two months ago that this was possible in the next four years, I wouldn't believe you!

* Benji uses the toddler potty about twice a day (peepee only so far). We are not actively trying to potty train him since he's still quite young, but he thinks it's great fun to use his own potty while Mommy or Daddy use the big one.

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