Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Benji: attachment parenting advocate

Attachment parenting is defined as the philosophy and practice of parenting methods that foster strong, healthy emotional bonds between parents and children. This approach values responsiveness to the infant or child's physical and emotional needs, nurturing their trust that those needs will be met. It's common sense, right? But non-parents would be surprised how some books and "experts" recommend practices that can only be classified as "detachment parenting." However, Benji is decidely pro-Attachment parenting.

He is always looking out for Zachary's needs. He wants to make sure that I am very responsive to him. Benji tells me, "cry - pick um up" whenever Zac makes a bit of noise. (And I do of course!) Benji also tells me to nurse Zac whenever he sucks on his hand or seems hungry in Benji's eyes. He wants to make sure that poor Zac doesn't have to wait a second for his food. Zachary is definitely appreciative of Benji's consideration. He hardly has to cry because he has such a good advocate. I guess Benji has been there, so he knows what's important!

Baby-wearing is also big in Attachment Parenting. See the picture below of Benji "wearing" his baby giraffe and baby kangaroo in the sling. One day Benji will be a GREAT dad!!

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