Saturday, November 10, 2007

Our 14 hour camping trip

We arrived at the campsite at 4 p.m. on Friday. We left the campsite at 6 a.m. on Saturday. A brief but memorable camping trip.

I enjoyed the camping trip we took a few weeks ago so much that I really wanted to go again before wintertime. Sometimes it's best to let these things go - especially if you have a son with an ear infection AND a cough and it getting into late autumn already. But I was not deterred, and therefore earned the Worst Mother award by forging ahead with the planned trip.

On the positive: I got to make and eat a s'more. Benji got to throw rocks into the lake. Zachary got to enjoy rambling among the leaves. We made family memories.

On the not-so-positive side: It got dark at 5:30 p.m. Benji had a tantrum because we required him to put on his hat and coat. Benji had another tantrum when we tried to get Amoxicillin down his throat (to treat the ear infection). During bedtime in the tent Benji coughed and then threw up - on one of our sleeping bags. We had no extras so we just had to clean it the best we could, turn it around, and use it. Benji continued to cough a lot that night, which made his parents worry every time we heard him cough, thinking how stupid we were for coming. It was colder at night than we expected and we (meaning the parents) froze. Shearn Yoong got to where his feet were numb. Very little sleep actually occurred.

By six o'clock, we decided that we had had enough family camping memories for the year. I drove the kids home in my car, with the heat blasting at full power. Shearn Yoong took the tent down and packed up the rest of the gear ... in 10 minutes flat - no small feat in the dark. This proves how motivating cold weather is.

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