Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Baby logic

One question: Why are babies OBSESSED with sucking on the most nasty thing available in the room?

This weekend Zachary discovered the caps on the base of the toilets (I do not know the proper term for this item). Now, whenever we go into the bathroom, it is his goal to go check out the "toilet cap" (for lack of a better term) first thing. His other obsession, similar to his brother 2 years ago, are the trash cans. He has yet to discover the toilet brush, but I give him another week to make this discovery - at which time it too will have to make a move to an undisclosed location within our house for the next year or two.

Of course, the Baby Einstein toys remain unplayed with in the toy box. Because who would want to play with expensive, educational toys when toilet caps and trash cans are available??

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