Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Chocolate pudding

Benji has another ear infection, so we went to the store yesterday to pick up the antibiotic to treat it and some chocolate pudding to mix it with. Though I remembered the antibiotic, somehow I forgot to buy the chocolate pudding. So we decided to make our own from scratch - which turns out to be a quite easy task. The Joy of Cooking recipe called for 2 cups of half and half. Now, I'm sure it would have tasted better if we had followed that recipe but we opted for 2 cups of rice milk (since Benji has sensitivities to dairy plus that amount of fat had me shaking with fear).

After waiting the obligatory 2 hours of cooling, I wanted to try some too (since this was my first time to make pudding from scratch after all). When I told Benji I wanted to try some too. He proceeded to ask why because "you're not sick."

I might have permanently ruined chocolate pudding for him by always mixing his ear infection medicine in it. Oh well, there are plenty of other desserts for him to enjoy in the years to come. Maybe even the variety that include the 2 cups of half and half.

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