Friday, April 25, 2008

New pasttime that the boys can do together

One of the main problems of motherhood right now is that whenever I try to do more advanced activities with Benji (crafts, art, etc.), what do I do with Zachary during that time? In the end I just end up stressed out, thinking, "Is this supposed to be FUN???" But we do now have one activity that both boys enjoy at the same time: painting with watercolors. Here is a picture from our morning's painting session:

One warning to other mothers of 18 month year olds. Pouring the water out of the cup is also very fun, so be ready to clean up quite a bit of water. For me, this morning it was worth it, but if I wasn't feeling patient, probably the mess wouldn't be worth it.


bekah said...

i love the look of concentration on their faces!!

Laurel said...

Painting is serious business. :)