Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bible reader

I do read the Bible regularly - I really do. I find much encouragement, wisdom, and insight from its' pages. However, I also enjoy novels immensely.

This afternoon I picked up my current novel "The Septembers of Shiraz" by Dalia Sofer to take outside with me to read while the boys enjoyed playing in the warmth of a fall afternoon. Zac and Benji wanted to move to the backyard, so Zachary asked me to come to the backyard with my Bible.

Apparently, Zac thinks anytime I'm reading a book, it must be a Bible. I am sorry to burst his bubble that his mommy really isn't as holy as he thought I was!

(By the way, "The September of Shiraz" is a good read if anybody is looking for a book.)

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