Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Least likely

If there had been a poll in high school as to who would be the least likely to get a nose ring (like all those polls that go in the year book), I would definitely have been one of the top 3 choices.

But my friend Britni and I went to get a nose ring (actually, a stud) yesterday evening. As two SAHMs, we stood out just a bit from the other folks going in for piercings and tattoos. I had gone to vote in the school board election on the way. I also had brought my knitting to do in the car if I had to wait for Britni. I doubt that the other patrons were into voting in school board elections or knitting. But being out of the box is more fun than living within expectations all the time. UPDATED: But who knows? Maybe all the other patrons are hard-core knitters and were campaigning for school board positions. If I don't want people to judge me, I shouldn't judge them, right?

Turns out that it doesn't hurt too much and only takes 2-3 minutes.

I was going to include a picture but if you've seen one nose ring, you've pretty much seen them all. So I'll spare you a close up on my nose pores.

Here's a picture for you Hannah. You need to click on it to make it bigger to actually see the stud.


~cjoy said...

Daring. :P
I remember when Bekah got one, though it was long gone by the time I saw her again. haha.

Laurel said...

She was supposed to be part of the piercing party but decided not to at the last minute. Maybe she'll change her mind once she sees how "cool" we look :) haha

Anonymous said...

You guys are going to be the envy of playgroup tomorrow! I'm sure I'll want one after I see you both!!

Anonymous said...

Oh and DO post a pic for this homebound mama, please!?!